Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Beacoup de pluie
For the first few weeks, I was not impressed with the “rainy season”. Our garden remained dry and dusty between pitiful bits of rain. This weekend the rain came. People have been saying that it hasn’t rained this much in 10 years. Yesterday was the third day of deluge. The streets were fleuves. The taxis pressed over far off the road and hoped for the best. Our colleagues report that their sewage systems have been backing up, causing all-day cleanup efforts. Roofs leak. The frogs return. Snails cover walkways. Bronwyn reported seeing knee deep water rushing into the front doors of fancy villas while the occupants made an effort to turn back the tide with mops and brooms. Allison gleefully floats her umbrella upside down in our “water” garden. After the rains subsided, “beaucoup de pluie!” was added to the usual ca va greetings. “A lot of rain” goes without saying.


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