Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Je m’excuse

I don’t know how many faux pas I have executed this week without my recognition, but the ones I’m aware of are numerous enough. Par example…. One evening our family enjoyed a delicious dinner at a seaside surf shack sort of place. After the meal, I felt adventurous and explored around the side of the place where an arrow pointed to “marche artisanal”. I breezed through what looked like a low end stable small farm animals, but outfitted with a few sculptures du bois et les autre choses. I rounded the corner and stepped over a low stone wall to return to the restaurant when I heard a shriek and noticed the sign “lieu de prier”. I had just stepped onto the small, carefully groomed sand area, just big enough for a few prayer rugs. “Je m’excuse”, I blurted as I tripped over to my side of the line. Excuse me.


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